About Us
What happens when an architect who loves to cook teams up with another architect /pro food blogger who hates to cook?
You get a food blog, of course.
“Dine and Dash” sometimes refers to eating at a restaurant, then leaving before paying! But this wouldn’t be much of a food blog if we were suggesting you eat in restaurants, and we certainly don’t encourage anyone to commit a crime. Instead, our name, DINED AND DASHED, is a play on words, a pun, a jeu de mots (supposedly that’s French).
With Dined and Dashed, our goal is to help you put a restaurant-quality meal on your family table with as little time and effort as possible. We provide tips and resources to help you spend less time in the kitchen while serving meals that taste like they took all day to prepare.
The Dined and Dashed Team:
Kimberly Grabinski
Kim is an architect who previously ran a food blog for nearly 10 years but sold it in 2018 to return to her architectural career. She has not now, nor has she ever actually enjoyed cooking, but the food blog allowed her the privilege of staying home with her kids during their formative years.
Now that she is back working with grown-ups, she discovered that her co-worker who is also an architect actually loves to cook. So it seemed like a natural partnership to use her knowledge of blogging and SEO combined with his love of cooking to return to the world of food blogging.
You can find Kim on Instagram or LinkedIn.
Dave Paukner
Dave is an architect and cook extraordinaire. What he puts on the table is better than most restaurants. He learned a love of good food from his mom. Not only was she gourmet-trained, she thoroughly enjoyed cooking and passed that enjoyment on to her kids.
While he’s worked as an architect in his professional career, he’s honed his cooking skills over decades. As a great cook, it’s his true passion to continually learn more, improve on tasty recipes, and wow those he feeds. He’s become an expert at whipping up a delicious meal for his hungry family after a long day at work, with little in the fridge.
He has also been cooking for over a decade for his men’s study that meets weekly – often a “blind challenge” with what his co-leader has in mind for the menu. He has recipes that are quick, simple, and delicious. Of course, he’s also been known to spend oodles of time in the kitchen for the flavor and fun of it, and you’ll find those recipes here, too.
You can find Dave on LinkedIn.
Roxanne Paukner
Dave married Roxanne, who enjoys eating a lot more than cooking. She views cooking like laundry – she can do it, but doesn’t think it’s fun, won’t be looking for ways to improve on it, and never has animated conversations about it. (Get real.)
I guess you could say her main contribution has been to let Dave have all the fun in the kitchen. You’re welcome! And she’s been enlisted to help write recipes, including the steps. This is actually valuable, because really good cooks like Dave think a lot of these things are intuitive.
Some of us really don’t know the tricks.
Roxanne makes sure to ask those questions and include that information so that EVERYONE can get the same yummy results.
You can find Roxanne on LinkedIn and Facebook.
Ed Grabinski
Ed is married to Kim and is pretty much the reason she can do anything more than boil water. For more than half of their nearly quarter of a century together, he did all of the cooking, in part because Kim had a bad habit of setting pot holders on fire.
Ed’s cooking gets rave reviews, and while generally not as ambitious as some of Dave’s recipes, he has a lot to contribute to those who enjoy the fine art of eating.
You can find Ed on LinkedIn.